Obviously, I'm not going to finish my attempt at an autobiography (re: What Music I Listened To) by my birthday. I don't want to toss off something just to meet a deadline (not that I haven't before...), so expect an ongoing project with intermittent updates. And I swear, this time it won't take me nearly two years to get to the next entry.
I couldn't help but look back at a post from a year ago. I was going to answer these brilliant little tidbits one by one, but that would get kinda obvious and boring. I will say I'm happy I accomplished both # 1 and # 2, disappointed I didn't get to # 15, 16, and 17, and will make another probably half-hearted attempt at # 11 again, when the weather improves.
As for worrying about turning *thirty*, well, I haven't thought about it too much until this week. Of course, it's pretty silly to assign significance to a particular number (unless it enables you to vote, legally buy booze, receive a senior citizen discount or get you on the Today show with Willard Scott). I don't want to fall into a funk where I can't get over "all the things I should've done by now", etc; However, I don't want to take for granted all the wonderful everyday things I can do, like making a chai latte or taking a stroll at the sanctuary near Amory Playground or browsing through the remainder tables at Brookline Booksmith and finding a good deal on a book like this.
I've seen a lot of movies recently (and for me, "a lot" means A LOT); maybe I'll get to writing about some of them after my birthday. In the meantime, check out former Entertainment Weekly TV critic Ken Tucker's new blog; his thoughts on the just completed, somewhat disappointing sixth season of The Amazing Race mirror my own. Still riveting for reality TV, but it'll jump the shark for sure if the seventh season (starting in two weeks) features another couple as loathsome as Jonathan and Victoria or as inane as winners Freddy and Kendra. Maybe they need another midget (they certainly don't need these reality show slummers).
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