
With my one-year blog-iversary coming up, I pledge to do it more often (and that goes for everything--yeah, everything.) If not on a daily basis, then pretty damn often, or enough to thread that ever fine line between illuminating and self-indulgent.

I finally figgerred out how to hook up my VCR to my ex-roommate's TV (which he curiously left behind), after days (well, hours) of frustration. Still can't figure out the DVD, however, as the TV has no video/audio-in jacks. I put in an inquiry to the Philips/Maganox website help desk, and so far, I haven't heard a response, not even a computerized chuckle or a rolling of digital eyes.

I will write about the far from illuminating but a heck of a lot of fun High Falls Film Festival soon. Saw 8 movies in 4 days, and much like the box of CDs I get from Splendid every five weeks or so, they ranged from amazing and compelling to merely good to awfully tedious to just godawful.

The latest album to potentially make my year-end top ten list is +/-'s You Are Here, which I reviewed two weeks ago. It's a schizophrenic listen, bouncing from fey technopop to ringing guitar anthem, but it all works and there are no duds, absolutely none. How rare is that? How cool is that?

Finally, I just finished reading She's Not There, Jennifer Finney Boylan's brave, hilarious, frightening account of being a transgendered person. Rarely have I felt that I've known and adored a writer so well after reading his/her memoir (and in this case, the sexually correct double pronoun is literally accurate!). I've rarely felt so moved, either. How can I ever poke cruel fun at a transsexual ever again? (Time to find a new, helpless target I guess... I think I'll start with parents who gave all of their children names starting with the same first letter. Oh, how their day of reckoning beckons.)